(Magyar) Adatkezelési Tájékoztató GDPR Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Thursday May 24th, 2018 / GDPR ADATKEZELÉS
Flax spinning history from 1940, a footage from the archive of British Pathé Thursday March 8th, 2018 / hirek
(Magyar) Változatos betanított munkát keresel 2 műszakban? Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Thursday February 15th, 2018 / betanított munka
Implementation of a new kind of flexible, family-friendly employment forms In 2017 our company has lunced the implementation of of a new kind of flexible, family-friendly employment forms. The program not only [...] Friday October 20th, 2017 / kotelezo-nyilvanossag
FLAX FIBERS: The oldest fibers known to have been used by humans A team of archeologists discovered the oldest fibers that are more than 34.000 years old during excavations in a cave in the Rebupblic of [...] Thursday October 5th, 2017 / hirek
(Magyar) Fehérítő állás – Betanított munka Komáromban Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Tuesday September 5th, 2017 / betanított munka
(Magyar) 2017 Családi nap – Köszönjük a támogatóknak! Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Monday August 21st, 2017 / hirek
(Magyar) Nyári leállás Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Thursday July 20th, 2017 / Egyéb
(Magyar) Milyen a tisztességes munkaadó? Így vágják át a dolgozókat, akár a legnagyobb cégeknél is. Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar. Tuesday June 20th, 2017 / betanított munka,szakmunka
AMO IL LINO – Celebrating linen Unique and informative exhibition was oragnized about passion for linen on Via Montenapoleone in Milan in May 2017. Designer Philippe Nigro has [...] Wednesday May 31st, 2017 / hirek